TPFS-0.1: Tagged plain file system in which a file can only have multiple tags and nothing more.




These are the objects of the TPFS system: namely, files and tags. This module provides the low-level functions for managing file/tag info and their respective tables, as well as somewhat higher-level functions for more sane access.


File objects

The file table

data FileID Source

File identification numbers are 128 bits long and are usually randomly generated. As such, there is a Random instance for FileIDs. Be careful when using this, however. It is possible (though unlikely) for a collision to occur, so it is strongly recommended to use isFileIDInUse to ensure the FileID is not already in use when generating a FileID in this manner.




:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> FileID

The FileID to check.

-> m Bool

True if the FileID is currently in use; False if not.

Searches the file table to check if the given FileID is currently in use. This is useful when generating random FileIDs.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> FileID

The ID of the file to look up.

-> m (Maybe Address)

Nothing if the FileID does not exist; Just Address otherwise.

Searches the file table for a given FileID and returns the address at which its FileInfo can be found.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> (FileID, Address)

The ID of the file in question, and the address of the first block of its record.

-> m () 

Links a file information record to the file table so that it may be discovered.

Note that a file information record (represented by FileInfo) must be linked to the file table in order for it to be found.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> FileID

The file to be unlinked.

-> m () 

Unlinks a file information table from the file table. This prevents the file from being discovered.

It is possible for a file to be 'lost' if it is not linked, so take care when using this function manually.

File information blocks

data FileInfo Source

The FileInfo structure attaches the blocks of a file to its identification (FileID and tags) and other information vital for reading the file (offset, length, lock).




fileID :: FileID

The identification number of the file.

firstBlock :: Address

The first block in the file.

lastBlock :: Address

The last block in the file. Makes appending faster.

fileOffset :: Word64

Describes the offset of the content within the blocks' data. This could potentially allow for quick prepending of data to the file.

fileLength :: Word64

The apparent (not necessarily actual block-wise) byte length of the file.

isLocked :: Bool

Whether the file is currently locked for writing. If the file is locked for writing, the implementation must raise an error when attempting to open the file for writing.

tagHashes :: [TagHash]

The hashes of each of the tags the file is attached to.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> Address

The first block of the file information record.

-> m FileInfo 

Reads the file information from a file information record.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> Address

The first block of the file information record to be modified.

-> FileInfo

The file information to place in the record.

-> m () 

Modifies the file information in a file information record. Does not affect tag structures linked via tagHashes.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> FileInfo

The initial contents of the file information record.

-> m Address

A pointer to the first block of the newly created record.

Creates a new file information record. Won't link the file to the file table, nor affect tag structures linked via tagHashes.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> Address

The address of the first block in the file information record to be removed.

-> m () 

Frees the blocks used by a file information record. Does not free blocks used by the file itself.

Note: removeFileInfo won't automatically unlink the file from the file table nor any tags linked to it. These operations should both be done before calling removeFileInfo.

High-level access

Tag objects

The tag table

data TagHash Source

Identifies tags with a SHA-256 hash of their data.




:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> TagHash

The hash of the tag to look up.

-> m (Maybe Address)

Just the address of the first block of the tag information record if found, or Nothing if not found.

Looks for a tag information record by its hash.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> (TagHash, Address)

The hash of the tag in question, and the address of its information record.

-> m () 

Links a tag information record to the tag table.

removeFromTagTable :: Device m h => Filesystem m h -> TagHash -> m ()Source

Removes a tag information record from the tag table.

Note: There is really no good reason to do this, as tags are usually managed automatically.

Tag information blocks

data TagInfo Source

Describes a tag information record.




tagHash :: TagHash

The hash of the tagData.

tagData :: ByteString

The data (contents) of the tag. The length/contents of a tag's data are not restricted. Note: This is a strict ByteString, unlike the lazy ByteStrings that are often used throughout this package.

fileIDs :: [FileID]

The IDs of the files attached to the tag.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> Address

The first block of the tag information record.

-> m TagInfo 

Reads a TagInfo structure from a tag information record on disk.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> Address

The first block of the tag information record to be modified.

-> TagInfo

The tag information to place in the record.

-> m () 

Writes a TagInfo structure to a tag information record on disk.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> TagInfo

The initial contents of the tag information record.

-> m Address

A pointer to the first block of the newly created record.

Creates a new tag information record. Won't link the tag to the tag table, nor affect files linked via fileIDs.

Note: A tag information record is fairly useless if not linked.



:: Device m h 
=> Filesystem m h 
-> Address

The address of the first block in the tag information record to be removed.

-> m () 

Frees the blocks used by a tag information record. This function is mostly for internal use, as tag information records are usually managed automatically.

Note: removeTagInfo won't automatically unlink the tag from the tag table nor any files linked to it. These operations should both be done before calling removeTagInfo.

High-level access